Hotel Herdade da Matinha

Design and Construction of a Hotel in Herdade da Matinha. Consisting of 18 Rooms and other services.

Hotel Herdade da Matinha

Architect Hotel - Design and Construction of a Hotel in Herdade da Matinha. Consisting of 18 Rooms and other services.

As described in the text of the Estate, it is a unique place, which has led to a challenge in the preparation of the project.

"When life was simple and our little room a World, a trip to the home of distant relatives seemed infinite and exciting in all its curves. "Are we there yet? Is there much left? " The promise of a remote paradise, where we knew by heart all the smells, sounds and tastes. And on arrival they expected arms that they loved, by default, in excess of everything.

Tall they announced us so that all knew the good news. For all the things that his breast kept had to flow out and echo in every corner. The bed made of washing, the fire in a rustle, the nose in the air in a way of guessing and the sweet time, slow as the hours and days that only end in the longing of a return.

Herdade da Matinha is like this, simple as life once was. Simple as life should be. In the middle of the Alentejo Coast, in Aldeia do Cercal, you find a house that has arms and is always waiting for you. "